Maximize Your Social Security!
More Income: Because You've Earned It!
Easy! What, When,
& How to File!Expert Personalized Advice!
Strategies That Maximize Your Benefits!
Thanks for explaining about the delayed retirement credits and the strategy that we decided on to maximize my benefits, it certainly makes sense and I probably would have just claimed at 62 if I didn't know better. -Ron S.
Having been married twice, I was confused about which work record I could claim under and I certainly had no idea about being independently entitled to benefits after the two years passed. This is great...I thought I was going to be stuck with a lower benefit.
-Tom S.
Because we needed some money now from Social Security but also wanted to have enough money after my husband dies, my Social Security Advisor found a great solution that allows us to do both. -Karen K.
I had no idea that I could claim a survivor benefit early and then switch to my own benefit later on...this is really helpful and the Social Security Administration agent I spoke to hadn't even mentioned this to me. -Patty R.
While my wife and I had read about file & suspend, I had no idea when or how until chatting with my Advisor and receiving the information he sent. The extra money will give us some options we wouldn't have had. -Jack & Patricia K.
We're amazed that we're going to get $73,280 more over our lifetimes and yet the cost of your service was so reasonable! As far as we're concerned, this is like free money because we would have made a big mistake. We're going to recommend you guys to some of our friends as a way to say thanks. -Val A.
Wow! I had no idea that children were entitled to Social Security benefits. That means that we should receive about $13,200 more per year than we had thought. We really appreciate your help and great service. -Joan H.
After my husband passed away, I was upset and confused about if I should take his survivor benefit or my own benefit and when for each of these. Thanks again for helping me and I'm confident that I'm going to be more financially secure as a result of the strategies you recommended.
-Laurie H.
...I had spent hours talking to the Social Security Administration and researching my options online before we spoke. I still can't believe how easy you made it for me and found better options than I had come up with on my own. Thank you! -Jay J.